A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) allows employers to bundle payroll, employee benefits, basic HR administration, and worker’s compensation together with one provider. These organizations typically charge by per employee per month (PEPM), or a percentage of total payroll.
With bundled services, it may seem like you are getting a lot for your money. However, in most cases, HR services and advice is not a core competency for PEO providers, nor is it a revenue-generator. They offer it because they are expected to, but they are not equipped to handle the greater strategic HR challenges your growing business will inevitably face.
At Achilles Group, we are aware that most organizations have a need for multiple levels of HR skill sets that are not commonly found in one person. We know that finding that ideal mix of expertise or making the investment in multiple HR people can be overwhelming for most companies. Our Fractional HR concept provides our clients with the ideal mix of expertise without making the investment in multiple HR professionals.
We are able to spread our expertise and costs over many clients, allowing you to get the capability of a Fortune 500 HR department, for far less than the cost of hiring the same level of HR competency internally!