Cathy is a senior human resources leader with extensive experience in both strategic and operational aspects of human resources. She led the charge for organizational change during multiple company mergers and acquisitions. She has deep experience in the areas of Compensation, Coaching and Counseling, Employee Relations and Engagement. Cathy is a facilitator for our Engaged Leadership Training and Development content and a standing member of the team responsible for the creation and maintenance of all of Achilles training resources. With a positive approach to business and people, she enjoys working with teams to create big picture plans for company and individual success.

Cathy is exceptionally equipped to work with client owners and by gaining a clear understanding of their business she is able to develop and engage HR strategies that contribute to their profitability. Her experience across multiple sectors includes Skilled Trades, Oil Field Services and Equipment, Energy Distribution, CNC & Manufacturing, Social Services, Petro Chem / Industrial, Non-Profit / Faith Based, Commercial Real-estate & Banking. Prior to Achilles Group, Cathy held executive human resource positions with a Nationwide Department Store Chain Stores and a Global Logistics Supply Chain Company. Having a passion for natural health, she previously owned a holistic health and wellness center.

Cathy loves being outdoors, gardening, walking her dogs or just putting her feet in the grass. She teaches classes on holistic health and enjoys travelling with her spouse. She enjoys the day-to-day collaboration with the team of talented human resource professionals at Achilles Group and supporting Achilles diverse client base.

Achilles Group team member