We all know that it is important to evaluate how your company is doing throughout the year, but are you doing the same with your employees? Employee evaluations can be a vital part of your…
Does your company allow your employees to use social media while at work? There are definitely pros and cons to allowing social media in the work place. One thing is certain, social media is not…
Employee morale plays a huge role in the overall success of a company and effects employees’ tenure and company culture. When employees are happy, they are more productive. They want to do a good job…
We all know things happen. Maybe the kids are sick, you have a broken water pipe in your house, or the dog got out and is running wild through the neighborhood. This always seem to…
HR departments hold a vast amount of data ranging from home addresses, social security numbers and other personal information. They are responsible for protecting this sensitive information that are transferred both internally and externally.According to…
We all know how unforgiving the southern heat can sometimes be, but do we all know how to protect ourselves and employees? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a warning on Friday to…
Hurricanes can not only reek havoc on land, but can also present problems to your company. Although you will not be able to control a hurricane, you can control how you and your employees react…
House Bill 910, or “open carry”, was recently passed during Texas’ 84th legislative session. Effective January 1, 2016 HB910 permits individuals with a CHL (concealed handgun license) to either openly carry a handgun, or carry…
Two Rule Changes for 20151. OSHA has expanded the list of severe work-related injuries that all covered employers must report to OSHA (even employers exempt due to size or industry).The revised rule retains the current…
Since 2004 the Department of Labor (DOL) has not changed its Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) definition of a white-collar “exempt” management employee. Under the current FLSA definition exempt managers are not eligible for overtime…