For most of us the journey from a competent employee to an effective first-time manager brings a significant shift in responsibilities and expectations. Far too often we promote high performance, technically competent employees into a…
Effectively training your front-line leaders is crucial because they are the first point of contact between your business’s strategic vision and the employees who execute it, making their leadership abilities directly impactful on team performance…
Launching a significant business initiative is like planning the most amazing trip of a lifetime. It’s not just about the excitement; it’s about meticulous preparation and execution. The journey from idea to implementation involves inspiring…
We often see businesses outgrow a PEO’s HR capabilities, get discouraged with high renewal rates, and become frustrated with an impersonal service delivery model. There are alternatives available that with coordinated effort and the right…
Although the underlying cases were not workplace-related, this decision significantly affects employers. Federal agencies like the EEOC, DOL, OSHA, and NLRB issue many regulations impacting daily workplace operations. With the Chevron doctrine overturned, these agencies…
What To Do 1. Identify affected exempt employees that earn below $43,888 annually. Consider the impact on budgets and employee morale to either increase EAP exempt annual salaries and/or bonus or commission structures (up to…
Effective leadership through meaningful communication can ensure the success of new initiatives and achieve our desired outcomes….
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has released the final rule for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). This rule will come into effect on June 18, 2024. Here are the key takeaways for employers…
The journey towards HR excellence begins with recognizing that equipping leaders with the skills and knowledge to interact, manage, and coach your teams effectively is the foundation of HR….
The term “human capital management” can evoke a calculated view of people being relegated to a couple lines on the balance sheet. The phrase serves to remove the humanness, the nuance, the gifts that individuals…
As a business leader in Houston, it’s crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This federal law, enacted in 1938, serves as the cornerstone of employee rights and protections…
Many companies in Texas are experiencing recruiting woes, with a lack of candidates topping the list. It’s safe to say that it’s a “buyer’s market” on the hiring scene right now. Below are tips to…
The ability to craft precise and comprehensive job descriptions isn’t just a routine HR exercise; it is a strategic imperative that lays the foundation for your organizational excellence….
As we embark on the journey into 2024, it is a good time to discuss a strategic approach to team communications structure. Intentional and effective dissemination of information is required to bring your team into…
Employers, get ready for upcoming challenges in classifying workers as independent contractors due to significant changes by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The Biden administration has officially revoked a rule that eased the classification…
The Achilles Group recognizes the intricacies involved in compliance with FMLA regulations and aims to shed light on recent U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) opinion letters addressing two critical issues: the use of intermittent leave…
Being a “soft” or graceful leader is not an admission of weakness; instead, it’s an invitation to create an environment characterized by candor, openness, and vulnerability….
Change is an essential part of life and our ability to see it coming and then to navigate it with a positive mindset is a powerful competency that creates profitable outcomes for our business….
The topic of compensation for a worker that travels is complex. It’s important for employers and employees to be aware of the specific laws and regulations governing overtime pay in the relevant jurisdiction, as these…
Of particular interest to employers are the increased regulations concerning employer monitoring outlined in Section 6 of the Executive Order. This section instructs the Secretary of Labor to develop and publish principles and best practices…
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, an armistice was signed, the formal agreement that marked the official end of World War I. The day became known as…
Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing potential leaders within your organization. It is about positioning people for a purpose to ensure a smooth transition when key roles become vacant. While it’s easy…
Despite the challenging landscape, employers are actively considering strategies to control benefits costs while minimizing the impact on their workforce….
However, the presence of a disengaged employee can act as a subtle toxin, silently eroding your team’s efficiency and productivity….

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