At Achilles Group, we believe that it takes an ongoing, internal dialogue to build Recruiting Effectiveness. This dialogue does not end once your open position has been filled, it continues through the onboarding process.Onboarding is…
Recruiting effectiveness is part of Achilles Group’s cohesive best practices framework. Using effective recruiting methods and techniques, Achilles collaborates with organizations to create a competitive recruitment game plan, and then assists them making decisions that…
Mistakes happen. At Achilles, we will help you avoid mistakes, and move past mistakes that do happen to help you be successful. The Achilles Team is well equipped to serve alongside your leaders in many…
Last month’s Success Story featured OGsys and their experience with Achilles Hourly Recruiting. OGsys President, Chuck Blanton, is back this month to share his thoughts on how Achilles Group’s Recruiting Effectiveness has impacted their business…
At Achilles Group, we encourage and even insist on recruiting effectiveness becoming a vital component of your business strategy. Recruiting is no longer a buyers’ market. The tables have turned, and today you must sell…
TalentConnection may be the solutions for you if the following sounds familiar: Find, hire and keep good people. Sounds like a great set of priorities… So, you develop a clear recruiting profile, place ads and…
Have you ever felt that the day to day running of your business takes up all of your time? That you couldn’t possibly add anything else to your plate? Operating in the ‘whirlwind’ is exhausting…
OGsys provides user-friendly, intuitive oil and gas accounting software that accelerates answers to critical questions impacting their clients’ daily productivity and overall success. Take a look at what OGsys President, Chuck Blanton, has to say…
Better than anticipated results were reported on Friday regarding the US job market. According to a recent Houston Chronicle article, “Employers added 223,000 jobs last month, more than economists expected and a pickup from April’s…
At Achilles Group, we are dedicated to designing and building a best in class HR Infrastructure both as your foundation for growth and as a firewall to mitigate employment related risks and protect against loss….
“When I began my new role in the HR department, there were many rules and regulations—things like FMLA, for example—that were unfamiliar to us. Axxiom is a small company and we needed to ensure we…
Every day, more than one billion people drive a vehicle for work, school, or leisure. Often on auto-pilot, we pay little attention to the individual parts of our car, unless of course, we run into…
We’ve all heard it before: “A company’s most important asset is its people.” Because of this sentiment, it’s a tricky balancing act for a growing business to add more people to the team while simultaneously…
At Achilles Group we engage to make a difference through our unique Fractional HR business model, our expertise, teamwork and professionally human approach. And we take a lot of pride in our commitment to provide…
At Achilles Group we work hard to impact People Performance as a catalyst for profitability.We have worked with thousands of leaders and seen the good, the bad and at times the ugly impact of poor…
Simply put, leadership is communication, and it’s Achilles Group’s passion to help your leadership communicate better both one-on-one and across your organization to preserve and build upon the best aspects of your business heritage. We…
Fundamentally, leadership is all about getting others to follow the course you set with full competency and commitment. However, the challenge of a leader is that you’re often too busy to sit down and engage…
So, if your company works really hard to identify your mission-critical talent needs, produces targeted ads, sorts and screens the responses, selects the top candidates, then extends the offer and closes the deal, you’ll be…
Naturally, most of us in the HR field believe ourselves to be excellent judges of character. Therefore, recruiting and hiring good people shouldn’t be too difficult for us, right? But if that’s true, why do…
Sometimes you can’t see a problem until someone from the outside points it out, and that’s particularly true in the recruiting process. What may initially be a good recruiting strategy for your company could also…
Achilles Group is committed to producing a great market response to your recruiting ads by implementing a well-structured process, a commitment to hire at targeted salary levels, and effective job postings. However, that means our…
On this Special Valentine’s Day, Achilles Group celebrates 16 years of service to our clients. We are very grateful for the opportunity to make a difference and for our talented group of people who make…
Every business owner knows how critical it is to attract, hire and keep good people, yet most don’t fully appreciate what it takes to become effective at recruiting. While outside recruiters, headhunters, and temps are…
Is your company up to the task of winning the “battle” for top talent? Companies all across the world are looking for new, innovative, and cost-effective ways to attract talent to their organizations. Achilles Group…

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