Creating Well-Structured Evaluations

Leaders at every level in the organization have two primary responsibilities regarding their people:

  1.  Increase individual capabilities of direct reporting employees
  2.  Expand team capacity to produce profitable work outcomes

To fulfill these responsibilities, Achilles Group works with leaders to develop targeted employee performance evaluations and effective coaching skills. A well-structured evaluation approach serves to increase individual capabilities which results in greater team capacity.

Employees who receive performance feedback, coaching, and progression are more engaged, have enhanced career potential, and gain higher levels of job satisfaction. Increased job satisfaction results in increased productivity and profitability for your business.

Targeted Evaluations

Achilles has both expertise and a full spectrum of performance evaluation models and formats to equip leadership teams and establish active coaching relationships. 

Our toolkits are always tailored to the specific client culture and may include:

  • Annual lookback evaluations
  • Facilitated leadership calibration sessions
  • One-on-one’s
  • People reviews 

Benefits of Evaluating Employee Performance

Achilles HR professionals recognize that leaders who develop and manage high-capacity teams have more time to devote to their primary responsibilities of equipping their people. These leaders also have more time to pursue their own development so they are better equipped for their own career progression.  

A business experiences profitable results based on the performance of its people.  The evaluation, employee appraisal, and development programs that Achilles helps to install are key elements that drive those profitable outcomes. 

The Achilles Way to HR Consultancy in Houston

You recognize the profitability of your business plan is tied to the capabilities and performance of your people.

Our outsourced HR model is the most cost-effective way to invest in your people. 

As a team, we learn the ins and outs of your business, what you produce, the services you provide, and the levers to push and pull to make your business profitable. 

We design tools to develop your team and engage our HR expertise to ensure your people are well-positioned to contribute to profitability. 

The Achilles Way to HR Consultancy in Houston.