Designing Your Employee Feedback Survey

  • To gauge employee engagement, workplace culture, and leadership effectiveness, it’s essential to ask targeted questions that can provide actionable insights. For best results, use a mix of scale, multiple-choice, and open-ended questions to balance quantitative and qualitative insights.
  • Ensure anonymity to encourage honest feedback.
  • Tie questions to specific business goals (e.g., reducing turnover, improving performance, etc.) so the data can be used to drive results.

Here is a sample of questions that can be used in a survey, and keep in mind to select the ones that pertain to high priority goals:

Employee Engagement Questions

These questions aim to understand how connected employees feel to their work, colleagues, and the organization.

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your current job?
    (Follow up: What could improve your satisfaction?)
  2. Do you feel motivated to go above and beyond your regular duties? Why or why not?
  3. Do you see yourself working here in the next two years? Why or why not?
  4. Do you feel that your work is valued and recognized?
  5. Do you believe your work directly contributes to the organization’s goals and success?
  6. Are you satisfied with the opportunities for growth and development at this company?
  7. How often do you feel stressed or burned out at work?
  8. Do you feel that the workload is manageable within regular working hours?
  9. Do you feel empowered to make decisions about your work?
  10. How likely are you to recommend this company as a great place to work to friends or family?

Workplace Culture Questions

These questions assess the overall environment, values, and dynamics within the company.

  1. Do you believe the company’s values align with your personal values?
  2. Is there a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration within your team/department?
  3. Do you feel comfortable expressing your opinions and ideas here?
  4. Do you feel included and respected in your team and across the company?
  5. How well do you think the company supports a healthy work-life balance?
  6. Are diversity, equity, and inclusion valued and respected in the workplace?
  7. Do you feel the company promotes a culture of innovation and continuous improvement?
  8. Do you believe that communication between teams and departments is effective?
  9. How would you describe the company culture in three words?
  10. Do you feel that you have the tools and resources necessary to do your job well?

Leadership Effectiveness Questions

These questions evaluate how effective leadership is in guiding and supporting employees.

  1. Do you trust the leadership team to make the right decisions for the company?
  2. Does your direct manager provide clear and actionable feedback on your performance?
  3. How often does your manager recognize and praise your work?
  4. Do you feel your manager supports your professional development and career growth?
  5. Do you believe leadership communicates the company’s vision and goals clearly?
  6. Does leadership listen to and act upon employee feedback?
  7. How accessible and approachable are company leaders to employees?
  8. Does leadership encourage open communication and transparency?
  9. How confident are you in the leadership team’s ability to navigate challenges?
  10. How effective is leadership at fostering a positive work environment and culture?

Additional Open-Ended Questions

To gather deeper insights, it’s useful to include a few open-ended questions where employees can share more specific thoughts.

  1. What is the best thing about working at this company?
  2. What is one change you would make to improve the company culture?
  3. How can leadership better support you in your role?
  4. What are the top three things that motivate you to stay at this company?
  5. What challenges or obstacles are preventing you from doing your best work?

Pulse Check / Quick Feedback Questions

Sometimes, a few rapid-response questions help gather quick insights for immediate action.

  1. How happy are you at work this week? (Scale: Very Unhappy to Very Happy)
  2. Did you feel supported by your manager this week? (Yes/No)
  3. Do you feel your work is meaningful? (Yes/No)

Achilles Group partners with you to design and execute employee engagement strategies tailored to your organization’s needs. We collaborate closely to create customized surveys that capture meaningful insights, and then work with you to build actionable plans based on the results. From survey rollout to implementation of initiatives, Achilles Group guides you through each step, ensuring that actions are aligned with your business goals and focused on improving employee satisfaction, culture, and leadership effectiveness.

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